5 Great Benefits of Limo Buses

30 passenger limo bus

If you have an upcoming event where you will be renting a limousine, but will be transporting a larger group, then you are likely considering renting a limo bus. A limo bus is a larger vehicle that can typically transport anywhere from 10 to 30 people. It’s a great way to travel with a larger group in style. Plus, it offers many benefits, including:

Limo buses hold more people

This is probably the most obvious benefit to a limo bus, but it’s also one of the more important ones! While a smaller sedan can typically hold no more than 12 people, a limo bus can hold as many as 30 people. This will ensure that regardless of the size of your party, you can likely all fit onto a limo bus together, and everyone will be able to travel comfortably, with more than enough room, therefore allowing you to ride in style, and arrive together!

More awesome features

With a larger car come a larger number of features. Most limo buses will have multiple bars, larger televisions, great sound systems, and LED lights. While smaller cars will typically have some features. Limo buses tend to have the most, mainly due to their larger size. All of these extra features can really add to the experience, making your ride even more memorable for you and your party. See our limo bus features

Room for everything, as well as everyone

Many times when you rent a limo bus it’s because you have a full day or evening’s worth of events planned. You may also have several different activities or locations. As a result, you may have luggage, changes of clothes, or other various items that you need to travel with in addition to all the people in your party. By renting a limo bus you have ensured that you will have enough space, not only for all of the people you will be travelling with, but also for any additional items that you may need to bring along with you.

It makes for a great experience

With upgraded seats, more features, and the ability to travel with all of your friends and family in one car, a limo bus offers you a unique experience that very few other vehicles can provide.

It can actually save you money

Ok, so “saving money” might not always be the first thing you think of when you are planning to rent a luxury vehicle. But think about it this way” most limo buses do not cost that much more than sedans, however if you are transporting 30 people instead of 10, the cost will be split 30 ways instead of 10. Therefore, in the long run, a limo bus can actually save you money.

For all of these reasons, renting a limo bus for your net big event is a great way to transport your friends and family!