Finishing off Summer Right – With a Limo Wine Tour

Gem Limousine Wine Tour

Can you believe summer is coming to an end already? It seems like just yesterday that the kids were finishing the last day of school and we had summer holidays to look forward to.

Fast forward to today. September is just around the corner and if you are like many people in Ontario, you are looking for that last summer outing before fall comes.

If you are still looking for a way to finish the summer off the right way, consider a limousine wine tour. It’s the perfect day trip for you and your friends, or just your loved one if you prefer, to spend the day enjoying your favourite local wine.

Everyone needs that one last summer getaway before they go back to work after Labour Day and things ramp up in September.

Sure the experience is of visiting a winery is great, but at the end of the day it’s really about the wine, isn’t it? If you drive, you can’t really get the full experience. This is why limo wine tours have become so popular. We do the driving, deal with the traffic and directions, so you can enjoy the wine without worry.

Top Wineries For A Limo Wine Tour In Ontario

Vineland Estates Winery and Restaurant Tawse Winery - Winery of the Year Stoney Ridge Estate Winery13th Street Winery

Here are some of the many wineries in Ontario we would be happy to take you to on your limo wine tour:

This is just a small sample of the wineries that we frequent with our limo wine tours. If you have few wineries in mind, give us a call and we can help you set you a custom limo wine tour. Try our Wine Tour Builder to plan your outing.