Giving Thanks this Thanksgiving: 6 Reasons Gem Limo is Thankful for our Wonderful Limo Customers


Here at Gem Limo we have had the pleasure of serving our clients in Southern Ontario for more than 20 years. As a result, our customers have given us a lot to be thankful for. So, in keeping with the Thanksgiving season, we would like to tell you, our valued customers, why we are so thankful for you.

6. You allow us be a part of your milestones. Whether it’s a big birthday, a bachelor party, your wedding, or simply a special holiday, we are honored that you choose to include us in your life’s milestones, and we hope you will continue to choose us in the future.

5.  You’ve helped us grow. Your continued support and business through the years is the reason why we have been able to grow our business, and our limo fleet. In fact, that support has recently helped us to grow our fleet by adding a 30-person limo bus.

4. You make us enjoy our jobs. Making a special day or a special evening for our customers brings us joy too. And working with great customers is a big part of the reason why we enjoy what we do for a living.

3. You trust us. When you have a milestone event, every detail matters. Many of the events we are hired for are ones that you have been thinking about for a long time. The fact that you trust us to help you deliver on your dreams and visions is a huge compliment that we take very seriously.

2. You inspire us to be better. Even the best laid plans can fall short sometimes. But even in those errors, or problems, there is always something to be learned. Even bad situations have helped us to learn, and to grow as a business, so we appreciate them too.

1. You appreciate us. If you go on the client testimonial section of our website, or even look for third party reviews, you will see that our customers have posted wonderful reviews expressing their appreciation for our work. That appreciation is what keeps us going, and makes us want to continue to deliver great customer service.

At Gem Limo we really do believe that we are lucky enough to have some of the most wonderful clients. So this thank you again for everything you do for us.