Police Are On The Lookout for Underage Drinking During Prom Season

Prom Limo

With prom season in full flight, now is the perfect time to discuss drinking, prom, and limo rentals. As you may have heard, a prom at Lester B. Pearson high school in Burlington was recently shut down by police due to underage drinking. This particular prom was shut down three hours early after some of the intoxicated got out of control. Unfortunately, this not an isolated incident and this type of thing does happen at proms across Ontario.

CHCH recently covered the story. Check it out here: http://www.chch.com/police-warn-drinking-proms/

It is no secret that underage drinking at prom is an issue. Teen underage drinking at prom happens at almost every prom that is thrown across Ontario each year. Students commonly have pre prom parties and drink in limos before they get to the prom. Gem Limo does not condone these actions and does not allow underage drinking in our vehicles under any circumstances.

Underage Drinking is NOT Permitted in Limos

For some reason, many teens in Ontario have this misconception that it is okay to drink underage when they rent a limousine for prom. While drinking is permitted in limos, underage drinking is not. There is no question that underage drinking does occur in limousines and some limos companies turn a blind eye to underage drinking when it does occur.

Gem Limos stance on drinking is clear:

Gem Limousine will not stop people over the age of majority from drinking alcohol in the limousine. However we make no representation as to the legality of doing so. Local drinking laws apply and clients assume all responsibility associated with the consumption of alcohol while in the limousine…no employee of Gem Limousine will supply or purchase alcohol for clients.”

This means that if you are under the legal drinking age in the province of Ontario, you are not permitted to drink in any of our limos. This rule is consistent across the board with other limo companies in the province as well.

If you are caught drinking underage in the limousine, you will be liable and will have to suffer the consequences. The truth is that drinking underage, whether it is at a pre party or is in the back of a limo on the way to prom is not worth getting caught and ruining your prom. Be smart and refrain from underage drinking.

A Great Resource For Parents

If you are a parent and have a teen that is attending prom in the coming weeks, Parent Action Pack.ca is a great resource to talk with your teens about the repercussions of underage drinking.

Gem Limousine has helped make Prom Night a safe and spectacular event for hundreds of grads. Have a happy and Safe Prom this year!