Team Building With Gem Limousine

corporate team building limousine service

Empowering generations at Viking’s Landing

Have you been thinking about your next corporate team building event?  How about a fun and exciting client appreciation event? Looking to differentiate yourself and your business?  Let Viking’s Landing help you.

Viking’s Landing is Burlington’s premiere axe throwing and virtual reality centre.  Like you, we fully understand the importance of bringing value to your clients and one of our goals is to continuously provide value to our clients.

Our entertainment centre has a rustic feel to it with barn board accents and timber beams.  There’s a lounge area that is centrally located in our axe throwing area which enhances our clients overall experience.  On our second floor, we offer virtual reality experience where you, your team or your clients can fully immerse themselves in extraordinary experiences such as scaling Mount Everest or exploring the Pyramids in Egypt.  Interest in learning about Mars and feeling like you are there? We can provide that for you. The options are endless.

In saying all of that, when choosing a business to partner with, there are a few things that are on our non-negotiable list.  The list isn’t lengthy by any means but at the top of the list is that their core belief system must align to ours, meaning that mutually beneficial business relationships are build on trust, honesty and professionalism.  We are very proud that we have partnered with Gem Limousine Inc to provide our clients with a transportation option to get them from their place of business to Viking’s Landing.  The team at Gem Limousine provides a tremendous amount of value to their clients and we look forward to continuing our partnership with them in the future.

To learn about how Viking’s Landing can help you with your next corporate, team or client event, visit , follow us on social media or email us at  We want to be a part of our next event.

Gem Limousine is committed to making your corporate event as stress- and worry-free as possible. Contact us today to get a quote and start pinning down the details of that all-important holiday party.