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This is an automated response to verify your form submission went through ok.   We try to return quotes as promptly as possible but during peak seasons or times of the day,  it can take between 6 – 12 hours for us to review your request and provide an accurate quote.  If you require immediate assistance, please contact our office at 905-815-9447 and one of our sales representatives would be happy to assist.

Note that answers to some of the more common questions are answered on our FAQ page.

Premium Limousine Services

We understand how challenging it is to plan a perfect experience. We anticipate your challenges and provide a seamless experience from start to finish.

Trusted for over 30 years

4.9 Star Google Reviews

PAX Certified Professional Chauffers

Reliable Luxury Transportation Fleet

Gem ClientCare+ Health & Safety Protocols

Serving Oakville, Burlington, Milton, Hamilton, Toronto and surrounding areas for over 30 years.

Experience our relentless dedication to service excellence from your reservation experience through to your professional chauffeur.