Tips for Shopping for Limo Service Online

About Gem Limousine

If you are booking a limo, be it for an upcoming event, or even something as simple as a trip to the airport, one of the first things you will likely do is go online to research limo companies in your area, and perhaps even to book a car.

However, if you are planning to book your limo online, there are some things that you need to be aware of before you book, in order to ensure that you get everything you are hoping for with your booking.

When booking limo services online, you need to be aware of, and watch out for limo brokerage services. A limo brokerage service is a company that will accept limousine rentals, but who do not have any cars of their own. Instead, they take your reservation and farm it out to limousine companies in your area. While this may seem like an easier way to get the job done, there are several drawbacks, such as:

  • The limousine brokerage will have a list of companies whom they work with.  If one company does not have a car available at the time you have requested, they will simply move down the list until they find one who does. This may mean that you will not get the car that you are expecting.
  • Most limousine brokerages are looking to make money. Not only will they charge you for the actual limousine rental, but you will also pay for their services. As a result, you may as much as an additional 20% on your limousine rental. This can be difficult to spot, as most of the time these fees are hidden within the quoted price.
  • There are no guarantees on service, and very little ability to remedy the situation should something go wrong. After all, the limo brokerage has just hired someone out for you, and therefore it is not their responsibility to ensure the service you receive is up to standard. They are simply concerned with getting you a car. Some people who have used limo brokerages have even reported instances where the car never showed up, as the company that the limo brokerage service “hired” got their own reservation, and that took precedence.

So if you are booking a limousine, what can you do to try to avoid these limousine brokerages?

  • Be wary of limo companies that make broad claims, such as allowing you to book a car anywhere, or having cars in a large number of countries worldwide.
  • You should also be wary of companies who can offer you an instant quote.  This quotes are often very convenient, but do not take into account the complexities that many limo reservations require, nor do they allow the company time to ensure they have available cars or staff. Instead, these quotes will often have a markup to reflect the cost of both the brokerage and your actual limo reservation.
  • Finally, most brokerages will have names, or websites which suggest national prominence. Something like 1-800-LIMOS.

As with any other major purchase, when booking a limousine for an event you should do your research. Do your research online, not only at the company’s website, but also look at third party websites such as Yelp or Google Plus for customer reviews. Also, don’t be afraid to call them on the phone and talk with them about their services, and what they offer. With a little bit of research, and extra time, you can make sure your limo rental is everything you are expecting.